Wednesday, June 19, 2024

🔖 Special Goeika Lecture by Rev. Shinryu Okuma This Saturday - Join Us On Site or Online



COMING UP: Saturday Community Talk – On Site or Online

Talk will be given by Rev. Shinryu Okuma, a Soto Zen Buddhism Baikaryu Official Instructor from Sapporo, Japan, following 10:30-11:00 am zazen. Please join us for a Dharma talk and Goeika lecture and enjoy his gentle yet precise appproach to chanting and ringing--conveying a profound "Dharma Joy" and creating a meaningful experience for all. Goeika is a wonderful way to practice Soto Zen Buddhism. Open to the public.


  • There will be no meditation instruction this week due to this special event.

  • If you live within driving distance, please register to attend on site!

  • Informal vegetarian lunch will be provided afterwards in the Sangha House.

  • Zen Dust store will be open from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.


About Speaker

Rev. Shinryu Okuma is a Zen Buddhist priest and renowned singer and teacher in the Soto school’s hymn chanting lineage, the Baikaryu. He trained at the head temple Eiheiji in Fukui prefecture, Japan. After finishing his formal training, he devoted himself to the study of singing Baikaryu hymns. Currently, he is the head priest of the temple Tendoji in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. He has taught Baikaryu hymn chanting at many Zen temples in Japan as well as abroad, including workshops in Zenshuji, Los Angeles and Stanford University in February as well as Sokoji in San Francisco.

$15 admission (10-20% Member Discount: Please log in first to receive the discount.)

THIS FRIDAY: June Fusatsu Ceremony

Be present for & experience the Fusatsu At-one-ment Ceremony


Atonement Ceremony is a Buddhadharma training—blessing from the teacher and a ritual of chanting, bowing, purification, and renewal of vows/direction. Traditionally practiced on the full moon, Fusatsu is one of the most beautiful and profound ceremonies in the Zen tradition. Together, we acknowledge our karmic entanglements and hindrances, at-one for the beginningless greed, anger, and ignorance—restoring harmony and happiness.


7:30–8:00pm Zazen / 8:00–9:00pm Ceremony

THIS SUNDAY: Summer Workfest

In the spirit of together-action, come help breathe new energy into the center with friends and families of the Sonoma Mountain Sangha. Bring a pair of work gloves if you have them. Light lunch will be provided afterwards. RSVP to offer your hands of compassion!


It's time for together-action as one body. Bring your family and friends to work on clearing brush and trees around the pond, repairing a garden tool shed or greenhouse, or cleaning the zendo. Any amount of help you can offer will be greatly appreciated!

Photo: Mariana King

In order to continue to offer these programs and ensure the future of SMZC, we are asking for your support. Your donation is tax deductible. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #23-7304793

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