Thursday, July 6, 2023

COMIMG UP: Sangha Gathering & Potluck - Register Today!



THIS SATURDAY: Summer Sangha Gathering & Potluck

Preliminary Shinsanshiki Rehearsal: We are hosting an informal get together for Sonoma Mountain Zen Center's sangha members. The focus will be on the upcoming Shinsanshiki Mountain Seat Ceremony for Nyoze Kwong on Saturday, September 2—its meaning, schedule, and what members can do to prepare for the auspicious event. We will be uncovering ceremony positions and much more details. All members are encouraged to attend.


Sangha Potluck: Please bring your favorite dish (for 6-8 people) to share with everyone afterwards.

THIS FRIDAY: July Fusatsu Ceremony

Atonement Ceremony is a Buddhadharma training—blessing from the teacher and a ritual of chanting, bowing, purification, and renewal of vows/direction. Traditionally practiced on the full moon, Fusatsu is one of the most beautiful and profound ceremonies in the Zen tradition. Together, we acknowledge our karmic entanglements and hindrances, at-one for the beginningless greed, anger, and ignorance—restoring harmony and happiness.


7:30 – 8:00pm Zazen

8:00 – 9:00pm Service

Reflection of the June Fusatsu Ceremony

by Shannon Rossiter (Member since May 2023)


As in the major religions (Muslim, Jewish, and Christian) and in Native American spiritual ceremonies to name a few, there is what is called the act of atonement. To reconcile—to restore harmony, balance. Fusatsu is an ancient Zen Buddhist ceremony of atonement, purification, and renewal of vows. I had the privilege on this past June full moon to participate in this ceremony at Sonoma Mountain Zen Center. Performing a full moon ritual, I have read, can be a powerful way to release what no longer serves us and to make room for new beginnings. In this situation, beginning to me means the origin, source—not something new but has always been. During this ceremony, I found such joy, peace, and connectedness with all sentient beings renewing my vows and commitment to continue a good practice to stop harmful karma. The Zendo is a beautiful space with others to experience this profound work. I invite all to participate in this beautiful monthly ceremony.

By Donation (Please support SMZC to sustain our practice on the mountain.)

RESIDENT WANTED: Live the Temple Life at SMZC

Two Resident Training Positions Available for Gardener & Guest Person

Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is currently seeking to fill two open Resident Training positions: Head Gardener and Guest Person (Shika). Students with a serious interest in Zen training can apply to live as a resident at the center under the guidance of Abbot Jakusho Kwong-roshi and Vice Abbot Nyoze Kwong. 

Residents are fully incorporated into our community and as such, participate fully in our daily zazen schedule, work practice, retreats, and all other activities that support the maintenance of the zen center. Monthly fees for these two positions will be waived upon successful completion of a 3-month probationary period by selected applicants. This is a rare and unique opportunity to experience the very heart of Zen training! Please submit your interest by filling out the resident application form and return it to

In order to continue to offer these programs and ensure the future of SMZC, we are asking for your support. Your donation is tax deductible. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #23-7304793

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