Tuesday, September 27, 2022

This Evening 📖 Join Us for Fall Study Group (Week 4 of 12) 📖

THIS EVENING: Join Us for Fall Study Group (Week 4 of 12)

Hybrid In-person/Zoom Format by Weekly Registration

A rare opportunity to explore the fundamental teachings of Buddhism and build a foundation for daily practice through discussions on the book "Mind Sky: Zen Teaching on Living and Dying" with the author, Jakusho Kwong-roshi. Guided by Kwong-roshi himself, making comments and answering questions, we gain ground.

The ultimate nature of physical reality is not a collection

of separate objects, but an undivided whole that is

in a constant state of flow and change.

Calligraphy "Water is Wet..." by Jakusho Kwong-roshi

 SEPTEMBER 27 (Week 4)

Water is Wet: Moment by Moment. One Unbroken Moment.

Page 43–50


OCTOBER 4 (Week 5)

Bussho: The Buddha-Nature. Uji: The Quick of Time.

Page 51–63


OCTOBER 11 (Week 6)

Katto: Intertwining Vines. Ten Thousand Ripples.

Page 65–71


OCTOBER 18 (Week 7)

Sitting in the Dark. Fear. Sonoma Mountain Koan. Suffering and Pain.

Page 73–86


OCTOBER 25 (Week 8)

Form and Reflection: Zen Stitching. Jukai.

Shiho: Transmission Ceremony.

Page 89–99


Download Study Group Syllabus


10-20% member discount. If you are a SMZC member, be sure to log in first to get the member discount. The book is available for purchase by emailing Janet, Zen Dust store volunteer at janet [at] smzc [dot] org for $18.95 (plus tax/shipping) or at Amazon.com.

About the Author & Teacher

Jakusho Kwong-roshi is the founder of Sonoma Mountain Zen Center – Genjoji Temple, authorized by the Sotoshu in Japan. He is a successor of the late Shunryu Suzuki, roshi’s lineage. Kwong-roshi travelled and taught throughout America, Asia, as well as, Poland and Iceland where Zen Practice places have been established. Also he has deep connections with the Theravadin, Shambhala/Drala Mountain Center, Rinzaiji, Soen-Korean Zen with Christian Carmelite and Benedictine Traditions. He had the good karma to meet all the Great Asian Teachers who came West. Roshi continues to deepen his insight prior to the present to share with many international sincere people.

His publications include Breath Sweeps Mind and No Beginning, No End: The Intimate Heart of Zen, as well as his newest book, Mind Sky: Zen Teaching on Living and Dying. Your purchase at SMZC supports the authentic Practice of SANZEN.

In order to continue to offer these programs and ensure the future of SMZC, we are asking for your support. Your donation is tax deductible. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #23-7304793

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