Whether you are interested in art, Zen or a unique experience, SMZC's annual bazaar has something for you! We hope to see you there!
Admission is free!

If you and your family are looking for different kind of summer activity come join us for the 6th Annual Bazaar! The Sonoma Mountain Zen Center will host this year’s Bazaar on Saturday, September 12th from 11 am to 4 pm. This event is a great way to experience the lively spirit of the Zen Center while offering your financial support to the Zen Center’s General Fund.

Sonoma County Taiko at the 2014 Bazaar
As in previous years there will be a diverse group of artisans and craftspeople offering many beautiful and unique treasures for your viewing pleasure and for you to take home. There will be activities and demonstrations for all ages. Children can enjoy making art, getting their faces painted and eating snow cones. Throughout the day live demonstrations including formal tea ceremony, traditional Chinese dancing and kendo (Japanese swordsmanship) will be performed. Musicians will demonstrate the Taiko drum, Shakuhachi (flute) and Koto (stringed instrument). To top this all off sit under the shade of the redwood trees and enjoy a delicious bento box treat, homemade baked goods and SMZC jam.
Activities for kids to be announced!

Fine arts & crafts at the 2014 Bazaar
Door prizes and raffle prizes will be given out throughout the day, so purchase your raffle tickets, tell your friends and support the Zen Center. The more you purchase the more chances you will have to win one of two Grand Prizes. Raffle tickets ($5 each) can be purchased by; calling the Zen Center office at 707-545-8105 between 9:30 am – 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Mon. – Fri., mailing a check to the Zen Center with a note containing your name, phone number, email address and ticket quantity or by dropping by the office. You need not be present to win. Watch for raffle information to be posted soon!
You can help support the Zen Center by volunteering for one of the many aspects of the Bazaar. Interested….. then please contact Mike Farrand in the Zen Center office.
You can also help by spreading the word and by posting the Bazaar flyer at your favorite coffee shop.
Looking forward to seeing you and your family at the Bazaar!
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