The Awakened Mind Ground
The first half of a Dharma talk given by Jakusho Kwong-roshi during Summer Ango Sesshin on May 14, 2011 at the Sonoma Mountain Zen Center.
...I remember Katagiri-roshi wrote on the back of my rakusu one year, “Enlightenment has no beginning and no end.” Of course it’s also true that delusions have no beginning and no end, if you don’t restore your true self...
Please see the PDF for the entire article
Sangha News
by Sid Simpson
We had our most recent Sangha meeting on Saturday, October 22, and it was well attended. In addition to introducing new members, we had the perfect weather to finally make our tour of the stupas of Suzuki-roshi and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Roshi lead us on a walk from the zendo and talked about how the memorials came to be and a bit of their history. If you have not visited the two stupas, please take the opportunity to do so. They are no more than a 10 to 15 minute walk from the zendo. Any of the residents and most of the sangha members can give you directions.

Suzuki-roshi’s stupa includes the magnificent standing stone which was brought here from Tassajara Creek and placed with loving care. Near the stupa is a stone basin which holds water for offerings. The moss around the stupa stone has been carefully tended over the years, and the small storage area was crafted by resident Mike Farrand. The pattern of construction is based on the rakusu pattern, which in turn is based on the pattern of rice fields.
We are fortunate to have a stupa for Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and several mementos of his life and practice. The hand-crafted structure is a wonder of its own. The Shambhala Center practitioners who do retreats with us will be commemorating the 25th anniversary of Chogyam Trungpa’s parinirvana at the stupa here at SMZC, probably the week after Buddha’s birthday in April. It is Roshi’s hope that SMZC students will join the Shambhala students for the celebration.
The Rohatsu sesshin this year ended on December 10th with a memorial procession for the anniversary of the death of Shunryu Suzuki-roshi to Suzuki-roshi’s stupa. It is always a moving ceremony, held as the dawn breaks. This year we had the added experience of watching the eclipse of the full moon from in front of the zendo as we prepared for the procession.
The sangha is one of the three jewels, and our practice together is important. Here are a few items to add to your calendar for the new year. On January 21, we will have our first one-day sitting to begin the new year. On January 30, Winter Ango begins, culminating in the Shuso Dharma Encounter on February 25. Our Spring Workfest is scheduled for March 24, and our next Sangha Potluck and Meeting will be on April 28. Our Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, April 8, and will provide a wonderful opportunity for you to bring family, friends, and loved ones up to the mountain for a festive celebration.
Please join us for these special events, and come as often as you can for programs and ceremonies. You are welcome to come during the week, as well!
I am an unquenchable fire,
The center of all energy,
The stout heroic heart.
I am truth and light,
I hold power and glory in my sway.
My presence disperses dark clouds.
I have been chosen
To tame the Fates.
Nyoze (on right) with Taku-ji (left) and Gyoukou at Ryokan (bathhouse)
on their way to Jizo-in (Eihei-ji Entrance) on October 7.
(See Letter from Nyoze on page 8)
End of Summer Ango 2011
Resident Update | Letter from Nyoze
New Members | Volunteering | Mandala Progress And News
Roshi’s Zen Channel on Vimeo
Drinking Grandmother’s Tea by by June Myoko Davis
SMZC Advisory Board Notes … & more
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