Wednesday, August 31, 2022

THIS SATURDAY: Join Us ON SITE for Talk by Tom Jakuryu Huffman


THIS SATURDAY: Join Us ON SITE for Talk by Tom Jakuryu Huffman

Join us for Student Talk by
Tom Jakuryu (寂龍) Huffman


10:30 - 11:00am Zazen

11:00 - 11:45am Talk


To sustain SMZC, please donate $10 (suggested minimum) for the Saturday Community program. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Tom Jakuryu Huffman has been a student of Jakusho Kwong-roshi since 2008. During this time he has also served as one of Genjo-Ji's Land Stewards, doing brush clearing in the fall and winter and weedwhacking in the spring and summer, and in the process has become very attached to this sacred 80 acres of land on Sonoma Mountain. Both Jakuryu and the land are well aware that it is the land that really stewards him. He remains grateful and honored to be a student of Kwong-roshi who continues to clarify the lifetime practice of dropping off body and mind.

We are back on site in full swing, and this Fall Study Group is going to be very special. We will study Jakusho Kwong-roshi’s newly published book “MIND SKY: Zen Teaching on Living and Dying,’’ 

guided by Kwong-roshi himself, who will introduce us and make comments as we gain ground. Register by week or all 12 weeks in advance (and receive 1 week free)!


SEPTEMBER 6 (Week 1) Introduction by Kwong-roshi

Foreword. Editor's Preface. Author's Preface.

Unwinding a Ball of Yarn: Emptying into Spaciousness.

Page xiii - 11


SEPTEMBER 13 (Week 2)

Way-Seeking Mind. Just Sitting. Levels of Awareness.

Page 13 - 23


SEPTEMBER 20 (Week 3)

Young Dogen’s Resolve. Presentness. The Texture of Emptiness.

Page 25 - 39

Join SMZC Wisteria Sangha Today


SMZC is a lay residential training practice center, relying on membership dues, income from our programs, and your contributions to support and maintain the Dharma on this ancient mountain. Please consider joining SMZC Wisteria Sangha. Your generosity makes it possible for us to survive and serve. Visit our website for detailed list of membership benefits.

In order to continue to offer these programs and ensure the future of SMZC, we are asking for your support. Your donation is tax deductible. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #23-7304793

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