Tuesday, May 28, 2024

🌟 Don't Miss Out: Kids Community Overnight - Join Us On Site This Friday



THIS FRIDAY: Kids Community Overnight

Join us for a delightful campout under the stars starting on Friday afternoon. We'll begin with setting up tents and informal vegetarian dinner. After an orientation in the zendo, we'll have a short zazen and service, ending the night with s'mores roast out under the stars. Saturday morning includes kids friendly program: another short zazen and service, followed by buffet breakfast. Then head out and hike together to the stupas.

Register by the end of Wednesday, May 29:

$40 admission/person (Please book per family—parent(s) and kids together. For example, enter 2 qty for 1 parent and 1 child.)


  • What to Bring: Tent, pillows, sleeping bags, and blankets

  • Attire: Dress in layers; bring plenty of warm clothes for warmth and comfort.

Trungpa Rinpoche's Stupa

Suzuki-roshi's Stupa

$40/person* | View Schedule | Open to the Public

*10-20% Member Discount (Please log in first to receive the discount.)

In order to continue to offer these programs and ensure the future of SMZC, we are asking for your support. Your donation is tax deductible. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #23-7304793

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